Thursday, October 20, 2011

world geography

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Thesis Statement:
Slums is a kind of place where is a low standard of living. The slums are a place where people can not live in it it is a huge mess where people have poor living. you can not really in a good enviroment which is not a great kind of enviroment.

The Outline:
1. What is it like to live in slums?
a. slums are very uncomfortable
b. slums are very low
c. people dont live good in their
d. an unhealthy enviroment
e. their can be deseases
11. Where are slums really at country?
a. mostly slums are in india
b. in africa
c. dont have enough money
d. bad education
e. not great homes
111. Are slums a negative and positive enviroment?
a. slums are a negative enviroment
b. not much food
c. not much good education
d. no great jobs
e. not a great life capacity
1v. How is it to be in a country with slums?
a. it will be devastating
b. people will get depresed
c. there is a low gdp per capita rate
d. people dont have enough money
e. dont have a high expectancy
v. Is it worth it living in slums?
a. no people have low standard of living
b. have low literacy rate
c. have low life expectancy
d. have low infant mortally rate
e. people have alot of deseases